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an incomplete wish list

December 8, 2010

I’m sure I’ve touched on my love for grocery shopping before but the truth is, give me a market/grocery store of sorts over a mall any day. What boutiques are to fashionistas, health food stores and food marts are to me.

I can’t get enough.

I could honestly spend hours in the grocery store just walking around the aisles, browsing at items, and dreaming of an endless food supply fund.

I most often get stuck in the nut butter aisle. If there was a nut butter stocker who was designated for those shelves only…well lets just say we would be on a first name basis. In fact, we would probably be on the whole “come over for Christmas dinner!” terms of friendship already. And that’s just for one trip to the grocery store. I’m not even talking a full year. One nut butter browsing and we would practically have exchanged best friends bracelets. or silly bands. or whatever it is the kids do these days to mark their territory.

So I think it most appropriate to top my Food Wish List list off with nut butter.

1. Nuttzo

Why? I’ve been dreaming of it ever since I first read about it on KERF. I have yet to add it to my love life.


2. Peanut Flour

Why? I can’t find it anywhere near me. I’m a tad bit jealous of all the wonderful recipes and clever concoctions going around in the blog world using peanut flour. I feel left out, to say the least.


3. Trader Joe’s Sesame Honey Cashews

Why? I had them once and they changed my life. Actually can I just have Trader Joe’s in general? That would be perfect.


4. Dark Chocolate Dreams PB

Why? Do I even need to explain this? I think you already know.


5. Gluten Free Granola

Why? Because it’s another thing that I love but never buy because I always say I can just make it myself. Do I make it myself? …..


6. Gift Cards

Why? Because so often I’ll want to buy something and I won’t. A gift card means I have to make a purchase. It’s a great incentive to get a little something special. And it’s a perfect excuse for spending without really spending since gift cards don’t technically count as money…right?  


Note: You may notice there’s a trend here. I kind of really like nut butters. There are tons of goodies out there though, since I can’t tolerate gluten, any gluten-free goodies are good in my book. (Did you get that Santa?)


What’s a food item on your wish list? Is it something you usually wouldn’t buy for yourself?

(All photos link back to their original sources).

12 Comments leave one →
  1. December 8, 2010 10:26 am

    haha, this post is totally me! I love grocery shopping and browsing all the new products I find! I could spend a day going from market to market!

  2. December 8, 2010 2:21 pm

    I HAVE WANTED TO TRY ALL THESE THINGS TOO!!! Sorry for the outburst. But you gave me a great idea for a holiday gift basket to myself.
    Maybe a gift basket for my readers too.
    I say we both treat ourselves this holiday season 🙂

    • Natalia permalink*
      December 8, 2010 2:50 pm

      I like the way you think 😉

  3. December 8, 2010 2:50 pm

    I want to try Peanut Flour, too!!

  4. December 8, 2010 3:43 pm

    i need to get some more peanut flour, too! it’s been missing for FAR too long! 🙂

  5. December 8, 2010 3:46 pm

    I can NEVER find peanut flour!!!!

  6. December 8, 2010 4:47 pm

    This post looks like my ideal shopping trolley! My colleagues always get annoyed with me because we go to the supermarket every lunchtime and, although I only go to get a yoghurt, I have to stop and look at everything – I could be hours…
    Feel sorry for us in England though; nut butter barely exists in supermarkets other than a few jars of pb and as for peanut flour, not a chance. A nut butter aisle would be fatal for me!

    • Natalia permalink*
      December 8, 2010 5:35 pm

      oh no, i feel for you. when i studied abroad in ireland spring semester nut butters were nonexistant! i was so happy i brought a pb jar over from home. unfortunately, it lasted me about 48 hours…

  7. December 8, 2010 8:40 pm

    sesame honey cashews?!?! how have I missed those?

  8. movesnmunchies permalink
    December 11, 2010 3:20 pm

    oh my gosh yes the DCD and peanut flour!! I REALLY want Nuttzo but cant get it anywhere!

  9. sarah permalink
    December 12, 2010 10:14 pm

    although i’m a die-hard blog reader, never before have i commented on a post.
    until now!
    i just stumbled upon your blog after reading KERF comments,
    and we are so similar in tastes that I couldn’t resist to comment on here!
    1. nuttzo is numero uno on my christmas list,
    alongside trader joe’s peanut flour that is circling the blog world
    (i, too, have no trader joes in the area 😦 )
    2. never will i spend money on grocery store granola because i always convince myself that its not worth the extra money, and i should make it myself
    3. anthropology<3
    we have a new anthropology store in the area, and i was just in there yesterday! completely stole my heart. oh, and the colorful bowls from your last post? on sale for $4 a piece! i was in heaven.

    • Natalia permalink*
      December 13, 2010 9:56 am

      oh my goodness. i think i would die if an anthropologie store opened up near me. can you imagine…an anthro that SOLD peanut flour?!

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